Nursing Scholarships

If you want to become a nurse or are even considering an rn to bsn, you don’t have to let the cost of education get in the way of your dream. There are scholarships available in many areas of nursing, and for all types of people, with special scholarships for LGBTQ, men in nursing and much more.
What’s New in BSN Scholarships for 2024?
We added a couple of awards, updated any scholarship links that changed paths, took away some awards that have been sunsetted or don’t seem to be running anymore, and updated scholarship amounts.
General and Specialty Nursing Scholarships
A Nurse I Am Scholarship
Award amount: $2,000
This scholarship is awarded annually to students who respond to a 300-word prompt. Past questions were things like, “Why do you want to be a nurse?” and “How do you deal with compassion fatigue?”. The award amount is $2,000 and winners are announced every April.
American Nurse Scholarship
Award amount: Varies
This scholarship was created in 2013 through the generosity of Fresnius Kabi USA, DigiNext LLC and Carolyn Jones. Contributions from the fund go to colleges and universities all across the country.
American Nephrology Nurses Association Scholarships
Award amount: Range from $400 to $4,000
The ANNA has both Educational and Career Mobility Scholarships that are awarded annually to members of ANNA, who are pursuing a BSN or advanced degree in nursing. Applicants must be members for two years prior to applying, accepted into a BSN or higher degree program, and actively involved in nephrology nursing related health care services. Applicants must document their eligibility requirements, send in transcripts and a short essay.
Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) BSN Scholarship
Award amount: $1500
The BSN Scholarship from the ARN is for any nurse currently enrolled in an approved Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in good standing, with one course already completed. Current practice must be in rehabilitation nursing and a minimum of two years of experience in rehab nursing.
Caroline E. Holt Nursing Scholarship
Award amount: $2,500
The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) offers an award to three students who demonstrate financial need, are currently enrolled in an accredited school of nursing, and have completed the other application requirements. Letter of acceptance into a nursing program must be included.
Colorado Nurses Foundation Scholarship Program
Award Amount: $2,000 to $5,000
The scholarships from the Colorado Nurses Foundation are dedicated to Colorado Nursing Students. Applicants must be residents of Colorado and accepted to either a Colorado nursing school or an approved online program. Students must have a 3.25 GPA and be pursuing a BSN, an Accelerated BSN or a Doctorate Nursing Practice (DNP). There are several different awards, ranging from $2,000 to $5,000.
Dorothy Budnek Memorial Scholarship
Award amount: $600
The Association for Radiologic and Imaging Nursing (ARIN) Dorothy Budnek Memorial Scholarship was begun to provide ARIN members with financial assistance. Applicants must have been members of ARIN for three years to apply.
Elizabeth B. Moore Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship
Award amount: $5,000
This scholarship, from the Emergency Nurses Foundation, is in memory of longtime member Elizabeth B. Moore. This award is for an undergraduate nursing student who demonstrates an interest in emergency nursing, in addition to financial need. This scholarship is eligible for renewal, and applicants need not be a member of ENA to apply.
Emergency Nurses Association
Award amount: Varies
The ENA offers nine undergraduate scholarships and three pre-RN educational scholarships as well as other scholarships up to the doctoral level, totaling $383,500 each year in awards.
Foundation for Neonatal Research and Education Scholarship
Award amount: Varies
THE FNRE offers scholarships to neonatal nurses who are pursuing a BSN, MSN for Advance Practice in Neonatal Nursing, Doctoral degree in Nursing, Master’s or Post-Master degree in Business Management or Nursing Administration. You must be an active member of a neonatal nursing association, demonstrate ongoing professional education and be actively engaged in research, service or education dedicated to the neonatal nursing profession.
Foundation of the National Student Nurses’ Association General Scholarship
Award amount: $1,000 to $10,000
The National Student Nurses’ Association offers annual scholarships to prospective nurses interested in a certain population of the nursing profession that is underrepresented such as oncology, emergency nursing or critical care nursing. Students may be pursuing an ADN, baccalaureate, diploma, RN to BSN, RN to MSN, LPN/LVN to RN, pre-licensure doctorate or master’s program.
Geraldine Polly Bednash Scholarship
Award amount: $5,000
Applicants for the Geraldine Polly Bednash Scholarship must maintain at least a 3.2 GPA, be admitted or enrolled in a baccalaureate or higher degree nursing program at an AACN member institution or submit the application through NursingCAS. This scholarship is awarded to two individuals four times per year.
Indian Health Service
Award amount: Varies
The Indian Health Service (IHS) offers scholarships to qualified American Indian and Alaska Native students. Scholarships include a Pre-Graduate scholarship, where students must be enrolled in courses leading to a bachelor’s degree in pre-nursing, and a Health Professions scholarship where students agree to a full career of service in clinical health professions.
March of Dimes Graduate Nursing Scholarships
Award amount: $5,000
The March of Dimes scholarship was started in 2016 and is given each year to the highest scoring graduate nursing applicant. Applicants must be a registered nurse, enrolled in a graduate nursing program with a focus on maternal-child care.
Mildred Nutting Nursing Scholarship
Award amount: $2,000
The Daughters of the American Revolution have another nursing scholarship for two students who can demonstrate financial need. Applicants must be enrolled in an accrediting nursing school and send their letter of acceptance along with their essay and other requirements to the DAR. Preference will be given to applicants who live in the Lowell, MA area.
Miriam Fay Furlong Grant
Award amount: Varies
A selected Alpha Tau Delta undergraduate student or students in good standing who are entering their junior or senior year. The award is based on merit and service to the organization. Graduating seniors who were chapter officers may also apply. Award amounts may vary.
NADONA-LTC/Stephanie Carroll Memorial Scholarship
Award amount: Varies
The NADONA – LTC/Stephanie Carroll Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a nursing student enrolled in an accredited nursing program. Applicants must make a commitment to work in long term care and/or post-acute care for a minimum of two years post-graduation. Applicants must include an essay of over 100 words on why they chose nursing as a career.
National Association of School Nurses RN to BSN Scholarship
Award amount: $1500
The National Association of School Nurses offers a scholasrhip for RN to BSN students who are work as a school nurse and are looking to advance their education. Applicants must work at least .6 of the time as a school nurse and be currently enrolled in a degree program. Funds must be used within one year of the award.
Nurse in Washington Internship Program Scholarship (No longer available)
Award amount: Conference registration to full scholarship
The Nurse in Washington Internship (NIWI) was an annual conference for nurses looking to become more interested in the legislative and regulatory aspects of nursing.
Nurses Make a Difference
Award amount: $1,000
The Nurses Make a Difference Scholarship is an annual scholarship awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in a nursing program. Applicants must complete a 200-300-word essay on the annual topic. Applications are due in August.
Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Bachelor’s in Nursing Scholarship
Award amount: $3,000 or $5,000
The ONS Bachelor’s in Nursing Scholarship is for students enrolled in their senior year of a BSN program at an NLN or CCNE accredited School of Nursing. Applicants must be committed to a career in oncology nursing.
OSHPD Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scholarship
Award amount: Up to $10,000
The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scholarship to applicants currently enrolled or accepted in a Bachelor Degree nursing program in California. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher and be willing to work in a medically underserved area for one year.
The Promise of Nursing Scholarship Program
Award amount: $1,000 to $7,500
This award was presented to address the critical nursing shortage impacting the United States. Undergraduate applicants must attend a state approved school of nursing within an eligible Promise of Nursing state.
SGNA RN Education Scholarship
Award amount: $1,000 to $2,500
SGNA offers scholarships to Registered Nurses working in Gastroenterology, who wish to pursue a BSN, MSN or PhD. Full time students are eligible for $2500 and part-time students are eligible for $1000 awards. Applicants must send a completed application, essay, no more than 500 words, two faculty letters of recommendation and transcript of completed coursework showing a minimum of 3.0 GPA. This scholarship works as a reimbursement.
TYLENOL Future Care Scholarship
Award amount: $5,000 to $10,000
The TYLENOL Future Care Scholarship awards annual scholarships to students in public health/health education, medical school, nursing or pharmacy programs of study. An independent selection committee reviews applications for college GPA, academic records, community involvement and volunteer service, plus the essay contest.
LGBTQ Nursing Scholarships
The David Womack Memorial LGBT Scholarships
Award amount: $1000
David Womack was the founder of the first GLBT/Socialist/Anarchist bookstores in Alabama. In his memory and honor, there are two scholarships for residents of West Virginia and Alabama. Applicants must submit a five-page essay and funds will be distributed directly to the student.
Emory University GALA Leadership Award
Award amount: $5000
The LBBT Alumni group of Emory University, GALA (Gay and Lesbian Alumni) began awarding the scholarship in 2009. A $5000 award is given to an undergraduate student who demonstrates leadership in the LGBTQ community, with another $1,000 award from a different organization.
eQuality Nursing Scholarships
Award amount: $6,000
eQuality is an organization in the San Francisco Bay area that has awarded over $1.3 million in scholarships since its inception in 1989. Eligible applicants for the eQuality Nursing Scholarships are residents of California, who are enrolled or accepted into an accredited BSN program. RN to BSN programs and diploma programs are not eligible.
Jane Delano Nursing Student Scholarship Award
Award amount: Varies
The Red Cross Nursing Service was organized by Jane Delano, who died in 1919, after organizing more than 20,000 nurses to serve in WWI. The scholarship named in her honor is awarded to students who commit to a career in nursing and who have an interest in being involved with the Red Cross.
Len Tritsch Memorial Scholarship
Award amount: Varies
Students who are pursuing a career as a registered nurse, a nurse practitioner or a medical doctor. This scholarship, in memory of Len Tritcsh, an active member of the Seattle Pride community, is a multi-year award to recipients who remain in good standing in the program.
PFLAG Scholarships
Award amount: Varies
PFLAG has scholarships for members of the LGBTQ community or family, as well as allies. Their amounts vary across the nation and applicants should apply through their local chapter.
Stonewall Community Foundation LGBTQ Scholarships
Award amount: $1,500 to $25,000
The Stonewall Community Foundation offers two LGBTQ scholarships. The Traub-Dicker Rainbow Scholarship is for women-identified lesbians pursuing higher education, for any level of student from undergraduate to graduate. The Levin-Goffe Scholarship for LGBTQI is for non-citizens and is meant to provide financial stability to those unable to get other financial aid.
Minority Nursing Scholarships
American Indian Nurse Scholarship Award Program
Award amount: $1500 per semester
The National Society of Colonial Dames in American (NSCDA) started this scholarship in 1928 to give the opportunity of a nursing career to students of American Indian descent. The award amount of $1500 per semester is intended for tuition and books, and recipients are expected to go back and work in their communities post-graduation.
Asian American/Pacific Islander Nurses Association (AAPINA) Scholarship
Award amount: $500
Members of the AAPINA are eligible to receive a $1,000 award to put toward an undergraduate or graduate nursing degree. Applicants must include a personal essay, show evidence of excellent academic performance, and two letters of recommendation from mentors, faculty or supervisors.
A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
Award amount: $1,000 to $2,000
The A.T. Anderson Memorial Scholarship is for undergraduate students who are of American Indian, Alaskan or Native Hawaiian descent. The funding is for applicants who are pursuing a degree in medical sciences, among other fields of study.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Award amount: $500 to $5,000 based on need
Awards are based on merit, and students must be a U.S. Citizen, Permanent Legal Resident, DACA or Eligible Non-Citizen (as defined by FAFSA) of Hispanic origin. All majors and graduate fields accepted, with an emphasis on STEM programs. GPA must be 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or higher for college students and 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale for high school students.
Thomara Lattimer Cancer Foundation Scholarship
Award amount: Varies
The Thomara Latimer Cancer Foundation provides services to pediatric and young adult cancer patients, along with scholarships to students pursuing biomedical studies, such as pediatrics, oncological studies and research and nursing, among other things.
Minority Nurse Faculty Scholarship
Award amount: Varies
Designed to increase the number of minority faculty teaching in nursing schools in California, the Johnson & Johnson AACN Minority Nurse Faculty Scholarship is for graduate nursing students of minority backgrounds.
NurseTim Scholarship
Award amount: $1,000
This award is for students enrolled in a graduate nursing program, who are specializing in nursing education and plan on teaching post-graduation.
UnitedHealth Foundation/NAHN
Award amount: $5,000 a year for three years
National Association for Hispanic Nurses (NAHN) Nursing Scholarships works with UnitedHealth to bring a $5,000 annual scholarship, awardable each year for three consecutive years to increase the number of primary health care providers able to assist a diverse population.
Kaiser Permanente Health Care Career Scholarship
Award amount: $5,000 to $10,000
Kaiser Permanente offers scholarships to students from one of 139 high schools in Oregon and Southwest Washington to ensure that everyone has access to education. Scholarships range from $2,000 to $10,000 awards for students looking to work in the healthcare field.
Philippine Nurses Association of San Diego County
Award amount: Varies
The PNASD Scholarship is for students currently enrolled in an accredited school of nursing in an undergraduate or graduate degree. Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 3.25, two letters of recommendation, be a resident of the Greater San Diego area, and have 20 hours of documented volunteer service.
Nursing Scholarships for Men
Advancing Men in Nursing
Award amount: $1,000 to $1500
AAMN provides three separate scholarships to nursing students. Their undergraduate awards are for males who have completed at least one semester of school in their nursing program. Graduate applicants are eligible for a $1500 award and must present at an annual conference.
National Association for Hispanic Nurses
Award amount: $4,000
Male nursing students are especially encouraged to apply for this $4,000 scholarship from the National Association for Hispanic Nurses. Past President and founding member Hector Gonzalez funded this annual award.
Military Nursing Scholarships
Air Force ROTC Nursing Scholarship
Award amount: Varies
Current students who are also active duty Air Force are eligible to receive money for tuition and fees, as well as a stipend for books and spending money. Recipients of the award must be enrolled in an accredited nursing program.
Army Nurse Corps
Award amount: Varies
The Army Nurse Corps Associations awards an annual scholarship to worthy students who are enrolled in an accredited baccalaureate or graduate program in anesthesia or nursing. Applicants must have a parent, spouse or child who has served in the U.S. Army.
Past Presidents’ Parley Nursing Scholarship
Award amount: $2,000
The American Legion Auxiliary of California offers a nursing scholarship to current California residents. Students must be a veteran, child of a veteran, husband, wife, widow or widower.
UAB Army ROTC Nursing Scholarships
Award amount: 100% Tuition, room and board
Students who are enrolled or accepted into an accredited nursing program can apply, and the scholarships are awarded based on academic record, school officials’ evaluations, a personal interview, extracurriculars, and more. Winners must agree to accept a commission in the U.S. Army and pursue an Army-approved nursing program.