Psychology Scholarships

List updated February 2024
Undergraduate or Graduate Scholarships
APA Student Research Award
$1500 Grant
Deadline: October 31
Offered by the American Psychological Association, this scholarship awards $1,500 annually to a qualifying undergraduate and graduate student. Application deadline is October 31. Future Counselors of America Scholarship
$1000 scholarship
Deadline: June 30
This scholarship awards $1000 to one eligible undergraduate and graduate student. Eligibility is based on GPA and completion of an essay. Application deadline is June 30.
Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships
APF Sharon Stephens Brehm Undergraduate Psychology Scholarships
Six $5,000 Scholarships
Deadline: July 1
This scholarship awards $5000 to six qualifying students. Applicants must an undergraduate student be enrolled in a psychology program, must have financial and possess a GPA of 3.50. Application deadline is July 1.
NIH Undergraduate Scholarship
Up to $20,000
Deadline: Mid-March
This scholarship pays up to $20,000 annually to a student who is enrolled in an undergraduate program on behavioral, biomedical, and social science health and meets the GPA requirement. This scholarship is designed for a student from a disadvantaged background. Application deadline is March 17.
Pilot International Scholarships
Up to $1,500
Deadline: Mid-March
This scholarship pays $1,500 to undergraduate students enrolled in a program dealing with helping people with fitness and brain safety, or helping families during stressful times. Applicants must show academic success, have a financial need and satisfy application requirements. Application deadline is March 15.
Psi Chi Undergrad Research Grant
Up to $3,500
Deadline: January 15, May 1, and October 15
This grant pays up to $3,500 for eligible undergraduate students enrolled in psychology research-based programs. Application deadlines are January 15, May 1, and October 15.
Psi Chi Undergraduate Scholarship
Eight scholarships of $3,000 each
Deadline: July 5
This scholarship awards up to $3,000 each to eight students who show financial need, meet GPA requirements and are enrolled in a psychology program. Application deadline is July 5.
Division 53 Student Achievement Award
Deadline: April 1
This scholarship awards $1,000 to eligible undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in an accredited psychology program. Application deadline is April 1, and applicants must submit an essay stating their contribution to the field and a letter of recommendation.
AP-LS Award for Best Undergraduate Paper
Deadline: June 30
This scholarship is awarded $500 to an eligible student who shows financial need and the one who submits the best research paper on a psychological topic of their choosing. Application deadline is June 30.
Routh Research and Dissertation Grant
Up to four $2,500 grants
Deadline: January 15
This grant awards up to $2,500 each to four eligible students who submit the best dissertation projects and are members of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (SCCAP). Application deadline is January 15.
Grawemeyer Award in Psychology
Deadline: February
This grant awards up to $100,000 to a psychology student who submits the best and most original idea in the field of psychological science. Application deadline is the end of February.
Franklin D. Boyce Scholarship
Deadline: February 15
This scholarship pays $2,500 to an eligible undergraduate student enrolled in a full-time health program. Application deadline is February 15.
PHN Charitable Foundation Scholarship
Deadline: March 31
This scholarship pays $5,000 or up to $30,000 to eligible students enrolled in a healthcare or allied health program. Application deadline is March 31.
Teens Path To Success Scholarship
Deadline: May 31
This scholarship pays $500 to an eligible college junior, senior or graduate student enrolled in a health program related to psychology, counseling, sociology or social work program. Application deadline is May 31.
Jessica Lynn Herman Memorial Scholarship
Deadline: June 11
This scholarship pays $2,500 for graduating seniors enrolled in a health program and have an interest in sciences and the humanities. Application deadline is June 11.
Family & Children’s Services Of Lebanon County
Amount varies
Deadline: March 30
This scholarship pays various amounts to students enrolled in human services, social sciences and health-related programs. Application deadline is March 30.
Horvitz YouthAbility Program Scholarship
Amount varies
This scholarship offers an undetermined amount towards undergraduate or graduate students who meet their requirements and are in financial need.
Graduate Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships
APA Science Directorate Dissertation Research Award
Deadline: September 1
This scholarship pays from 30 to 40 grants of $1,000 each to students who are in need and show excellence in their research papers on scientific psychology. Application deadline is September 1.
APAGS Psychological Science Research Grant
Deadline: Early December
This program offers up to four grants of $1,000 each to eligible students who demonstrate excellence in their psychological science research projects. Application deadline is December.
APF Graduate Student Scholarship
Up to $5,000
Deadline: June 30
This scholarship pays up to $5,000 to students who complete the best research projects demonstrating their knowledge of diversity. Application deadline is June 30.
APF McGuigan Dissertation Award
Deadline: June 1
This award pays up to $2,000 to the student who submits the best dissertation research project relating to their knowledge of the aspect of mental functions. Application deadline is June 1.
APF Visionary Grant
Up to $20,000
Deadline: April 1
This grant awards up to $20,000 to help promote innovation through education, research and intervention programs and projects. Application deadline is April 1.
NAJA Graduate Scholarship
Deadline: February 1
This scholarship awards one scholarship per year to graduate students enrolled in a program related to addressing the special needs of children and youth. Application deadline is February 1.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Deadline: Late October
This scholarship awards about $138,000 through three years of support to graduate students enrolled in STEM discipline programs. Application deadline is late October.
Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society Scholarships
Deadline: Mid-February
These scholarships pay between $1,000 and $2,000 to students who are members of Pi Gamma Mu Honor Society and enrolled in a social science program. Application deadline is the middle of February.
Psi Chi Graduate Research Grant
Up to $1,500
Deadline: January 15, May 1, and October 15
Offered through the International Honor Society in Psychology, this grant awards up to $1,500 to students to assist them in their academic research grants. They must be members of Psi Chi. Application deadlines are January 15, May 1 and October 15.
Psi Chi Graduate Scholarship
Deadline: July 15
This scholarship offers eight scholarships of $3,000 each to members of Psi Chi who show academic excellence in graduate school. Application deadline is July 15.
Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy Gelso Research Grant
Deadline: April 1
This grant pays $5,000 to students involved in the research of the process and outcome of psychotherapy. Application deadline is April 1.
National Register Credentialing Scholarships
Deadline: April 15
Offered through the National Register of Health Service Psychologists, these scholarships are awarded to psychology doctoral students, trainees and psychologists starting their careers. Application deadline is April 15.
Stephanie Nicole Ross Foundation Graduate Scholarship
Deadline: April 1
This scholarship awards $1,500 to graduate students studying psychology. Application deadline is April 1.
Esther Katz Rosen Fund Grants
$1,000 to $50,000
Deadline: March 1
These grants ranging from $1,000 to $50,000 are awarded to psychology graduate students studying about gifted children. Application deadline is March 1.
Benton-Meier Scholarships
Deadline: June 1
This scholarship awards $2,000 to a neuropsychology graduate student. Application deadline is June 1.
F.J. McGuigan Dissertation Award
Deadline: June 1
This educational grant awards $2,000 towards any student doing research projects on any aspects of mental functions. Application deadline is June 1.
Scott and Paul Pearsall Scholarship
Deadline: October 1
This scholarship awards $10,000 to a full-time psychology graduate student or an early-career psychologist. Application deadline is October 1.
Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship
Deadline: May 15
This scholarship awards $1,000 to a graduate psychology student researching the stigma related to mental illness. Application deadline May 15.
Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships by Area of Specialty
American Addiction Centers Behavioral Health Scholarship
Deadline: May 30
These scholarships range from $2,500 to $5,000 and are based on the medical specialty. Application deadline is May 30.
APA Barlow Grant for Anxiety Research
Up to $7,500
Deadline: September 15
This grant, which can go up to $7,500, helps students to pay for clinical research on anxiety-related disorders. Application deadline is September 15.
APF David Grant for Human Reproductive Behavior/Population Research
Deadline: February 15
This grant pays $1000 to students studying the human reproductive behavior or an area having to do with population concerns. Application deadline is February 15.
American Psychological Foundation Koppitz Graduate Student Fellowship
Deadline: November 15
This grant pays $25,000 towards a fellowship grant for graduate students looking for careers in psychology. Application deadline is November 15.
APF Pearsall Grant for the Study of Physical Disability and Stigma
Deadline: October 1
This grant awards $10,000 to graduate students researching the stigma and pain suffered by people with physical disabilities. Application deadline is October 1.
APF Placek LGBT Research Grant
Deadline: March 1
This grant, offered through the American Psychological Association, pays $10,000 towards the research on the public’s awareness and understanding of homosexuality and sexual orientation. Application deadline is March 1.
APA Rymer Scholarship
Up to nine $5,000 scholarships
Deadline: February 1
This scholarship pays nine scholarships of $5,000 each to students training psychopharmacology programs. Application deadline is February 1.
Foundation for Rehab Psychology Dissertation Award
Deadline: October 15
This scholarship pays from $1,500 to $4,500 to graduate psychology students traveling to present their dissertations. Application deadline is November 1.
Morris K. Udall Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship
Up to $7,000
Deadline: Early March
This scholarship pays several scholarships of up to $7,000 each to college sophomores and juniors studying issues related to Native Americans. Application deadline is early March.
NASP Graduate Student Research Grant
Up to $1,000
Deadline: Mid-September
This grant pays up to three $1,000 scholarships to students demonstrating excellence in the research of psychology. Application deadline is mid-September.
SIOP Thayer Graduate Fellowship for I/O Psychology
Deadline: June 30
This grant pays $10,000 to an I/O psychology student specializing in training. Application deadline is June 30.
Society for Military Psychology Research Grant
Deadline: October 31
This grant pays $2,500 to $7,500 to students involved in research on military psychology. Application deadline is October 31.
SPSOGI Maylon Smith Research Award to Study Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Up to $1,000
Deadline: March 30
This scholarship pays $1,000 towards the research on sexual orientation and gender identity. Application deadline is March 30.
SPP Routh Research Grant for Pediatric Psychology
Up to $5,000
Deadline: October 15
This research grant pays up to $5,000 towards the research and study of pediatric psychology. Application deadline is October 15.
SPSSI Clara Mayo Grant to Study Sexism, Racism, or Prejudice
Deadline: May 15 and October 15
This grant pays up to $1,000 towards the research dissertation on sexism, racism and prejudice. This grant may be paid six times per cycle. Application deadline is May 15 and October 15.
SPRS Research Grant to Study Religion and Spirituality
Deadline: June 10
Offered through the John Templeton Foundation, this grant pays up to $500 for students studying religion and spirituality. Application deadline is June 10.
Scholarships & Fellowships for Minority Students
APF Queen-Nellie Evans Scholarship
Deadline: November 15
This scholarship pays $4,000 to eligible minority graduate students who are committed to conditions found in marginalized communities. Application deadline is November 15.
Ford Foundation Predoctoral Minority Fellowship
Deadline: Mid-December
This scholarship pays up to $72,000 to pre-doctoral, doctoral and post-doctoral students interested in careers in teaching or research. Application deadline is mid-December.
HRSA Native Hawaiian Scholarship
Up to four years tuition and stipends
Deadline: Early to mid-March
This scholarship program pays up to four years of tuition and stipends to Native Hawaiian students studying behavioral health fields. Application is mid-March.
SAMSHA Minority Fellowship
Deadline: Opens November 1
This scholarship program pays from $25,000 to $28,000 towards fellowships for students studying mental health issues. Application acceptance begins November 1.
Indian Health Service Health Professions Scholarship
One-year tuition plus stipends
Deadline: Late March
This scholarship pays one year of tuition and stipends for an eligible American Indian or Alaska Native student pursuing a health career. Application deadline is late March.
NASP Minority Scholarship – NASP-ERT Minority Scholarship Program
Deadline: October 30
This program pays up to $5,000 to minority graduate students pursuing careers in school psychology. Application deadline is October 30.
SIOP Goldstein & Schneider Minority Scholarship
Deadline: June 30
This scholarship pays $3,000 to a minority doctoral student studying I/O psychology. Application deadline is June 30.
Chicago Benton Bernstein Scholarship
Deadline: Opens Fall 2021
This scholarship offers financial assistance to graduate students enrolled in medical, social work or psychology program. Applications are accepted in the fall.