How to Become a Case Manager

What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree? Career as a Case Manager
If you are a recent graduate, you might be asking yourself: what can I do with a psychology degree? A graduate with a degree in psychology is expected to exhibit a good deal of compassion and professionalism. If this describes you, you are the perfect fit for a job as a case manager in social and human services.
Job Duties of Case Managers
If you are looking for jobs with a psychology degree that require an empathetic personality, becoming a case manager is a good option. Case managers are very important in social services institutions. As a case manager, you will be working under psychologists, social workers or other social service professionals. You will assist the professionals in determining the best action plan and support for the clients.
Case managers may also help the clients perform everyday activities like bathing and eating meals or getting these services lined up (for example, through a home health care service.) Another duty includes assisting clients in determining what services they may be eligible for, such as food stamps, WIC, Medicare or Medicaid. When a service is deemed necessary, you will help the client complete all the required paperwork for the services needed and ensure that these services are appropriately given to the clients.
As a social services case manager, you will work with a varied clientele such as children, elderly, families, individuals with disabilities, veterans, individuals suffering addictions, displaced people who are currently homeless and former inmates. These at-risk members of society will benefit greatly from your help. Your title may be any of the following: casework aide, family service assistant, addictions counselor assistant, clinical social work aide or human service worker. Your work will vary, depending on what type of clientele you are serving and where you work.
Where Does a Case Manager Work?
Case managers often work for both nonprofit and private for-profit social services agencies. There are also many opportunities in state and local government departments. A case manager may also find work in a hospital, homeless shelter, health clinic, group home, nursing home or office. Once you decide what type of clientele you would like to assist, you can then make a decision on what type of institution you would like to approach for employment.
How to Become a Case Manager
To become a case manager, you must have, at the very least, a high school diploma. However, most employers are seeking to hire individuals who have obtained a human services related degree, such as a psychology degree. Online psychology schools offer great programs through which you can earn your psychology degree online. With an online psychology degree, you can graduate by taking convenient classes at home. These types of degrees will train the students how to perform the basic job duties required of a case manager.
Some types of case managers are required to have a master’s degree in a related field of study like rehabilitation, social work or counseling. Most case managers are required to attend on-the-job training after they are hired. This training better prepares the case manager to work with a particular type of client so they can be able to care for them in the appropriate ways.
Once you are a case manager, there are opportunities for advancement. Higher level positions require a more advanced degree. Some examples of these jobs are counseling, social worker or rehabilitation related positions. A job as a case manager requires an individual to be an excellent communicator and to have problem-solving skills and organizational abilities. You must be able to discuss sensitive topics with clients and the professionals you work with.
Reasons to Be a Case Manager
Case managers have the potential to have a huge impact on their clients’ lives. You may help newly disabled citizens gain independence again or help a struggling single mother properly provide for her children. If you have a desire to help others or engage in purposeful work, this is a wonderful career choice for you. Also, as mentioned before, a case manager position can be an excellent stepping stone to a higher level position. If you work within the state welfare system, you can advance to become a social worker (with further education). If you work as a case manager that assists with rehabilitation, you can seek a master’s degree to become a rehabilitation counselor.
Case managers earn anywhere from $9.00 per hour to $22.00 per hour. The median hourly wage is $13.00. This career is expected to grow faster than average for all careers at 28 percent growth over the next ten years. State government employees earn the most while nursing and residential care facilities earn the least. No matter what path you choose in these areas, it is sure that you will have a positive influence on your clients. If you are wondering what to do with a psychology degree, becoming a case manager could be a great career choice for you.